Hoya globiflora Ridley 1915

Type description:

            In Journal of Federated Malayan States Mus. 5 (1915) 164. “Prenn. Mal.” H. Ridley. Koh Pennan. Disfrib.—Indo-Malaya.
47.  HOYA GLORIFLOR. Sp. nov. Stems pale corky, 2 mm. in diameter. Leaves ovate subacute with rounded bases 6.5 cm. long, 3.5 cm. wide, nerves 3 pairs and nerrules few visible when dry, one pair from the base ascendinig, the others short horizontal soon broken up, petiole very thick, 6 mm. long. Peduncles stout 3 to 4 cm. long, raceme 1 cm. long, stout, occasionally branched. Flowers innumerable forming a large globose umbel 4-5 cm. across when dry. Pedicels 1.5 cm. long. Sepals 5, short ovate obtuse. Corolla 1 cm. across waxy white a pink tinge, lobes ovate sub-obtuse. Corona large, upper lube short erect tooth-like, lower ovate, spreading obtuse. apex emarginate above depressed. Staminal column short. Anther cells incumbent over the style apex. Pollen masses linear oblong straight blunt f1uttened, caudicles very minute (hardly any) Carrier small, triangular, dark brown.

Koh Pennan. No. 5756. Creeper.